North America

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under North America. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: North America.

ODJ: ears to hear

Joanne Milne experienced the world as a soundless place. Deaf for the first 39 years of her life, everything changed after she had cochlear implant surgery. The procedure enabled sound vibrations to rouse her auditory nerves. A nurse’s voice was the first noise she heard, and the experience brought her to tears. She said, “Hearing things for the first time is so, so emotional, from the

ODB: The Mention of His Name

When the soloist began to sing during our Sunday service, the congregation gave him full, hushed attention. His mellow bass-baritone voice brought them the soul-touching words of an old song by Gordon Jensen. The song’s title expresses a truth that grows more precious the older we become: “He’s as Close as the Mention of His Name.”We’ve all experienced times of separa

3 Lessons I’ve Learned From Writing a Letter to Myself

On the last day of 2014, while my church friends and I were gorging on a humongous meal, my dear husband gave us the idea of “writing a letter to your future self”. It intrigued me so much that I decided to give it a go.


The #TruthAboutWhoYouAre series was created to dive deeper into the Bible to discover who God says we are so we can live out our fullest potential. God has created all of us to do extraordinary things. You have what it takes to make great things happen. Not only that, you were created to do great things, according to Ephesians 2:10. Many times, we will feel like we are "not enough" or "not qualified" but those are just feelings. Our feelings are valid but we can't let them determine the course of our life. The #TruthAboutWhoYouAre series reveals the truth about who you are.

ODJ: where’s your garden?

My friend enjoys painting, but this sensitive soul often feels guilty when she’s working in her studio. She wonders whether she should be doing something more “Christ-like” with her time. How can I be taking up my cross if I’m doing something I enjoy? Have I become too focused on the stuff of this world? She shouldn’t feel guilty for doing something she enjo

ODB: Her Father’s Zoo

June Williams was only 4 when her father bought 7 acres of land to build a zoo without bars or cages. Growing up she remembers how creative her father was in trying to help wild animals feel free in confinement. Today Chester Zoo is one of England’s most popular wildlife attractions. Home to 11,000 animals on 110 acres of land, the zoo reflects her father’s concern for animal welfare,

Do You Know Who You Really Are?

Are you an ENTP*? What are your top strengths? What does your sleeping position say about you? Did you know that your favorite color says something about who you are?

ODJ: mortality and eternity

Mortality motivates and eternity influences. These two things motivated and influenced Puritan leader Richard Baxter, who is credited with These saying, “The face of death, and nearness of eternity, did much to convince me what books to read, what studies to prefer and prosecute, what company and conversation to choose. It drove me early into the vineyard of the Lord, and taught me

ODB: Before the Phone

As a mom of young children I’m sometimes susceptible to panic. My first reaction is to call my mom on the phone and ask her what to do with my son’s allergy or my daughter’s sudden cough.Mom is a great resource, but when I read the Psalms, I’m reminded of how often we need the kind of help that no mortal can give. In Psalm 18 David was in great danger. Afraid, close to deat