ODB: Making Wise Choices
Sell my late mother’s house? That decision burdened my heart after my beloved, widowed mother passed away. Sentiment drove my feelings.
ODB: The Appointment
On November 22, 1963, US president John F. Kennedy, philosopher and writer Aldous Huxley, and Christian apologist C. S. Lewis all died.
ODB: Speak to the People About Jesus
Paul had gone to the temple for the Jewish purification ceremony (Acts 21:26). But some agitators who thought he’d been teaching against the Law sought to take his life (v. 31).
ODB: Strong Support in Christ
A runner in the London Marathon experienced why it’s vital not to run the big race alone. After months of grueling preparation, the man wanted to finish strong.
ODB: Obedience Is a Choice
Winters in the Netherlands seldom bring a lot of snow, but it can get cold enough to freeze over the canals.
ODB: Spiritual Fitness
Tre is a regular at the fitness center and it shows. His shoulders are wide, his muscles pronounced, and his upper arms close to the size of my thighs.
ODB: Delivering Help
When Heather’s job took her to Tim’s house to deliver his take-out meal, he asked her to help him untie the knot in the food bag.
ODB: Choosing Life
Nathan grew up in a Christ-believing household, but he started to stray from his childhood faith as a college student into things like drinking and partying.
ODB: Persist in Praying
Mila, a baking assistant, felt too helpless to defend herself when her supervisor accused her of pilfering some raisin bread.