Ease into Ecclesiastes 9:13-12:14
ICYMI: Ecclesiastes is a book that’s ecc-xploding with truths, but it can also be ecc-xtremely hard to make sense of! Here’s an easy way to keep the key lessons from the book ecc-essible, so you’ll ecc-tually remember them!

Who Are You Listening to?
A friend once asked me, “Why are you Christians always poking into each other’s business?”

Remember God Now!
“Will you pray with me? There’s nothing else we can do.” I could hear a quiver in Paul’s voice.

Words That Cut Deep
Growing up, my three siblings and I were no strangers to the usual frictions of daily life together, as well as the occasional instance of sibling rivalry.

When Wisdom Doesn’t Reward
As a movie fan, one of my favorite genres is the historical epic—which includes films like Gladiator and Braveheart.

Ease into Ecclesiastes 5:8-9:12
Are the key truths in Ecclesiastes 5:8-9:12 starting to feel ecc-xtremely heavy? Here’s an ecc-xellent way to help keep your focus in check as you reflect on them!

When Death Taught Me How to Live
A couple of months ago, I spent nine long days sitting by my dad’s hospital bedside.