What Would Godly Social Media Look Like?
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I have a love/hate relationship with social media.
Love: I love connecting with friends around the world, and knowing what’s going on in their lives.
Hate: Sometimes it feels about as fun as trying on bathing suits one size too small. I feel not enough.

Learning Courage in the Face of Suffering
This ANZAC Day, I reflect on a story that’s woven into my own family’s history. Like all families, we too carry history of personal stories and experiences of those harrowing times.

Why I Watch Shows Containing Violence and Supernatural Themes
“You watch wrestling? Why?”
It’s a question I’ve been asked a lot, in tones ranging from confused to disdainful. And I get it.

Seeing Glimmers of God’s Truth in Surprising Sources
As someone who grew up in the era when the church engaged in boycotts and condemned rock music, I was rather caught up with the “culture wars” of my youth.

What We’re Really Looking For in Entertainment
It’s been a long day, so you get home (or off your work desk) and the first thing you do is plop onto the couch and reach for the remote (hey, that’s us too, no judgement).

5 Ways The Church Is Changing and How We Can Adapt
Two years into the global pandemic, it has become clear that the church will not be returning to what it once was—a gathering primarily based in a physical location. “That church” has “left the building”.

6 Simple Commitments to Make in 2022
New Year’s resolutions. Some people make them, some people don’t. A few of us keep them, many of us break them by the end of the first week of January. Ah, such is life. Or is it?

I’m a Woman and I’m Addicted to Porn
It took a long time before I recognised my addiction for what it was, and even longer before I could consider myself an addict.
I thought I was just someone who liked to read a lot.

3 Myths About Freedom
We think that if we have just enough power, assert enough of our rights, and clarify our wants, freedom will come.
But in reality, being free to do whatever we like, whenever we like, rarely makes us feel truly free.