
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Friendship. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Friendship.

Why Do I Long to Feel Loved?

I grew up in a warm and affectionate family, and have never needed to work for my family’s love. However, I’ve found that I am easily jealous for the affections of my close friends. Whenever my close friends are more concerned for other friends than they are for me, I feel an inexplicable sense of disappointment.

Why Is It So Difficult to Make Friends?

It started as a simple plan—“Come meet us at the splashpad with your little ones.” This email from the Children’s Director at our church was a great idea.

My Friend Is In God’s Hands

Yen* and I walked down a narrow alley in silence. A few days earlier, Yen had sent me a text message: “I want to go to this clinic where you can check for AIDS…”

What My 20s Taught Me About Relationships

When I turned 21, a much-celebrated milestone in many cultures, I felt sure that I possessed the skills and maturity to effortlessly navigate life.

Confessions of A Jealous Person

There’s a bitterness that has lingered deep inside my soul and infected it with poison. Its name is jealousy, and it took over my life for far too long. However, I didn’t realize its chokehold on my life until this past month.

Oh Dear, Am I Ashamed of the Gospel?

It’s that season of the year again. My church calls it the “evangelism season”. My Pastor tells us to rise up in evangelistic fervor, saying that it’s the best time to invite friends and family to church.

6 Ways to Take Your Relationship Deeper

When my family and I moved across continents, our lives were stripped down, and being in a new place made everything about three steps harder.

Tired Of Talking About The Weather?

A while back, I got together with a friend over coffee. We were working on a project, and I noticed we weren’t on the same page. We were going to meet for one hour.

Walking With Suffering Friends

Confidante. A shoulder to cry on. Bosom buddy. We’ve all needed these people, and played these roles too at different times in our lives. It isn’t a role to be taken lightly, however.