Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under TOPICS. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: TOPICS.

A snail and a human is walking in opposite way

Be Patient with Your Slow Spiritual Growth

I recently talked with my mentor about how frustratingly slow my sanctification can be. Even when I know in my head that something is true, it doesn’t always shape my heart or steer my hands.
A rich guy who is wearing a branded t shirt and with a sport car

Why I Believe In the “Prosperity Gospel”

My early life of faith featured sermons on how to “believe to receive” or “name it to claim it”, and how God would give you everything you wanted.
Man sitting with woman who is about to blow her birthday candles.

Does God Care About What I Want?

I was trying to stomach a failure—yet another rejection in my writing career—and as I sat with my husband, I shared how God’s key message to me seemed to be this idea of making “no graven image” (Exodus 20:4). Meaning, I had to be careful to not remake God as “the God of my desires”.
Letter in envelope with the text "God, actually... I want a husbnad more than you"

God, You’re Not Enough for Me

For a time in my life, I knew very clearly that God was not good enough for me. In fact, I told God I’d much prefer a husband than Him.
A woman is sitting alone on the riverside and holding a book

God Spoke Through My Fear of Failure

What if I fail?  This thought haunted me, to the point where I felt breathless, like I had been kicked in the gut.
three broken chalks

When God’s Will Wasn’t What I Had Expected

Recently, I had to re-learn what it means for God to be in control of my life. It all began with what happened this summer.
A woman is pointing the map and looking at the compass

I Had My Life Mapped Out—But God Had Other Plans

For my 21-year-old self, the decade ahead brimmed with endless possibilities.  Thanks to a scholarship I secured before university started, I didn’t need to think twice about what degree to take, what internships to do, or what job to apply for.
So much works need to be done by a newbie

4 Realities to Prepare Yourself for in the Workplace

It’s exciting to be a part of the workforce. You’re already fantasising about your dream job, thinking of your first pay, being involved in important meetings and projects. But before you trade your beat-up sneakers for expensive leather shoes, here are some realities and truths to keep in mind as you start this new chapter in your life.
Money in a shopping cart

How to Make Money Without Getting Consumed by It

Just about everyone I speak to (myself included) feels that way—that no matter how long we’ve been working, our pay seems never quite enough. “If I could just get paid that little bit more,” we think.