Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under TOPICS. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: TOPICS.

How I Share My Faith with Others

Do you struggle with mentioning the name “Jesus” to your non-Christian friends? Perhaps you wrestle with some of these thoughts: “What will people think?” “How will my non-Christian friends react?” “What would my family members say to me?”

God Provided . . . So I Could Tithe

Tithing: the practice of giving 10 percent of one’s income to the Lord. “Tithing” is a sensitive word, especially to someone like me, who has been unemployed for almost 10 months.
Bonfire burning

Is it God’s Fault for Sending People To Hell?

Most people don’t have an issue imagining a place like heaven, but the concept of hell is something that perplexes many, even Christians. Some of the most common questions that have been asked include: If God is love, how can He turn people away from heaven and send them to hell?
Woman praying in peace with her hands on the bible

3 Reasons Why I Pray

I was 11 years old when my family went on a holiday to Beijing; that was my first trip to China. One morning, my brother became ill and had to stay in the hotel to rest. As my mum had to be with him, she told me to buy breakfast from the food store in front of the hotel.
5 Ways to Persevere in Bible-Reading

5 Ways to Persevere in Bible-reading

When I first came to know the Lord, I was taught by older Christians about the importance of persevering in reading my Bible daily. It was the book of truth which told me how to live life according to how God intended, and it was applicable in every aspect of my life.

5 Ways to Stop Envy

I believe that all of us, at one point or another, will compare our lives with others. I too have done this numerous times. As a member of the worship team in my church, I used to compare my singing ability with those of other singers, and based my self-worth on my ability to sing better than others.

5 Things to Do before You Start Work

Time flies. I’m on the brink of graduating from university and stepping into the workforce. Because of my eagerness to start work as soon as possible, I embarked on a dogged search for that one perfect job months before my graduation, diligently scouring job websites for openings and going for numerous interviews.

4 Steps To Fight Feelings of Helplessness

Have you ever woken up on some mornings feeling powerless and helpless? Perhaps you just had a fight with your loved one or friend, your efforts at school or work reap unpromising results, or you have so much work on your plate you don’t even know where to begin.
Two girls shopping - what type of spender are you?

What Type of Spender are you?

For the most part of my life, I’ve been a real Scrooge. Having been raised in a family constantly plagued by financial difficulties, I’ve learned to be disciplined about saving money so that I could pay my school fees.