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Hands holding flower - when we never get what we want

Why We Never Get What We Want

As a child, I was a huge fan of the Donald Duck series. I enjoyed watching the silly antics of the main characters, like the greedy miser Uncle Scrooge, his rival Flintheart Glomgold, the lazy Donald Duck, and his three clever nephews.

Where is God when we lose our jobs?

As someone whose job involves helping others find employment, I have met many people who face different challenges in their job search. Some of the key ones are: constant rejection from employers, skills mismatch, and the lack of networking skills.

A Former Olympian: The Greatest Race of My Life

I started running at a young age—I used to break things at home because I was always knocking into them. Naturally, my mum wasn’t pleased so she got me to play downstairs instead. That’s when I started playing catching with the other kids.

When Our Success is Actually Failure

Everywhere I go, I see people around me striving after something. Some study hard to get the grades they want, some work hard to get promoted in their jobs, while others earn extra to buy nice cars and houses.

It’s Time We Stop Being “Perfect”

Perfection. It’s in a frozen smile and windswept hair. It’s in soft, brown hair or slim, toned legs. It’s when someone has everything together. We see perfection—but only when we are not looking closely enough. I used to envy other girls for their beauty and popularity.

7 Steps for Successful Christian Living

We know what success looks like and how to achieve it. Whatever form it takes, a successful life is one where we rely on God and draw closer to Him.

Finding the GPS that Never Fails

Some time ago, my brother and I drove to Miami from Florida to fix an item we had recently purchased. Although it wasn’t the first time we had taken this route, we decided to (once again) rely on the trusty Global Positioning System (GPS) on his cell phone.

Editor’s Picks: Top 3 Articles | Success

Success. We crave it. We want it. We love it. We all desire to be successful in all aspects of our lives. Whether in school, in church, or in the workplace, there’s always a higher level we can work towards.

I Was Jealous of My Best Friend

I have something to confess: I was once jealous of my best friend. I didn’t mean to feel this way, and I’m not quite sure how it happened. We’d grown up and shared everything since we were young: our joys and tears, our secrets and dreams.