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Girl in an abandoned building

What If Your Neighbor is a Prostitute?

A few scantily-dressed women flirt with passers-by in a dimly lit alley. Some of them strike up conversations and bargain with potential customers, while others wait around for customers to offer them a price.

Before A Loved One Dies

I was by the side of a church member’s father minutes before he took his last breath. Overcome with emotion, I whispered a final prayer for him. It was the first time I’d felt so depressed while praying for someone.

The Most Ideal Job: Stay-At-Home Mom?

I remember a chat I had with a friend back in high school about what we wanted to be when we grew up. I don't recall what I had said at the time, but it was probably a human rights lawyer or missionary.

When I Found the Missing Piece To Success

Sometime ago, I started mulling over the meaning of success. This came about when my dad made an offhand comment on how successful one of my distant cousins, a surgeon, was in life.

Why I Stopped Proving Myself At Work

I was not excited to start my journey as a working adult. People had been giving me tips on how to succeed and be more outspoken—and it wearied me. My fears materialized when I eventually started work in June this year.

Really, what is Success?

“Success is a right,” the motivational speaker told the audience at a seminar I was attending. He paused for effect, giving us time to digest what he said. With all his years of experience as a motivational speaker, I thought, surely there was some truth to what he was saying.

After Being Told I was Promoted . . . I Quit

If the interviewers knew the type of student I was in school, they would probably have rejected my application right away. I was hyperactive, restless, and even “overly dramatic”—according to one teacher’s description in my report card.

4 Benefits of Being Weak

Every society aspires to be successful or strong. In my tiny city-state, that has meant a constant effort to survive and to find stability and security over the past 50 years.

So I Quit My Comfortable Job

It wasn’t an easy decision. I was comfortable where I was. Besides, I had spent more than half a decade in this environment. My workplace was basically the same university I had studied in.