How Do I Know How Much I Can Really Give?
2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Thinking through this has helped me. If I find that I am giving with reluctance, I can confidently release myself from doing so.
But if that’s the case, why give at all?
What Fixing Up Our House Taught Me About Character Building
Most of our fights started because of petty details, and the way they snowballed often blindsided me. One minute I’m “just expressing my frustration”, the next minute my husband has gone all quiet, and I now have to ask, “What’s wrong? What did I say?”
How Can I Still Tithe if Budget Is Tight?
For seven years I tithed faithfully, but my commitment started to flounder when I moved to Jakarta to work.
How to Make Money Without Getting Consumed by It
Just about everyone I speak to (myself included) feels that way—that no matter how long we’ve been working, our pay seems never quite enough. “If I could just get paid that little bit more,” we think.
5 Budgeting Tips for Tough Times
These days, it can feel like we need to withdraw from our life…
When You Can’t Live the Life You Want
“When is Wati’s last day?” I asked my husband, frustrated.
I knew that Wati, the domestic helper my husband had hired, would not be leaving anytime soon, but I wanted my husband to know that I was annoyed with him for hiring her without my consent.
How to Trust God with Your Finances
My entire life, I have been trained to aim for financial security. “You’re saving for an emergency,” my parents would say—which of course made no sense to me at the time. Now, though, is a different story.
5 Steps to Handling Money Well
Money. Practically speaking, we need it to live. We use it to get food, clothes. . . to secure a place to live. To some extent, it influences nearly every decision we make every day. How can Christians keep something so pervasive from becoming an unhealthy, idolized presence in our lives?
When Half My Home Burned Down
17 September 2015 is a day I will never forget. On that day, my aunt's house was burned down in a fire accident.