Featured Devotionals

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ODJ: grow up

A couple in their late 50s recently decided to divorce, but they both refused to move out of their home. To resolve the impasse, a judge ordered that they halve the urban complex. This included the building of a wall to divide the living room on the first floor and sealing of the door that splits the living space on the second. The husband had construction workers build a spiral staircase, allowin

ODJ: no offence

I’ve been inspired by the book The Next Christians by Gabe Lyons. One of its most profound messages is that Christians who are serious about restoring the broken are not “offended” by their depraved lifestyles. Rather than condemn and pull away from people whose lives are messed up after years of drug abuse, sexual immorality or greedy materialism, Lyons says we should meet peopl

ODJ: lesson in humility

I know you’ve tried your best, but your best isn’t good enough.” If someone said those discouraging words to you, your thoughts might be something like, Whoa! Come on, I’ve been doing my best. Surely, that’s worth something!
Well, yes and no. Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of Isaiah 64:6 reads: “We’re all sin-infected, sin-contaminated. Our best efforts are grease-stain

ODJ: shameless persistence

It was supposed to be one of those ‘in and out’ trips to the shop—all I needed was laundry detergent. But then my daughter spotted some toys for sale. She begged, “Can we look at the toys?” I responded with, “Maybe.” Then she used a negotiation tactic popular with children—shameless persistence. “Mum, pleeeeease?” She kept up the requests until we finally ended up

ODJ: false gods, true blessing

The stuff of life has a way of turning our hearts away from God. False gods include money, success, school, careers, romantic relationships, children and more. Tim Keller, in Counterfeit Gods, defines a false god this way: “Anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give.”

ODJ: to give or not to give

Some days I find only one. Other times they fill my letter box. Not to mention the phone calls. Help the children, feed the homeless, care for the wounded. Worthwhile requests, yet it’s impossible to meet them all. Even with the contributions we make, I feel strangely guilty whenever I throw away a letter requesting donations or when I tell a contribution-seeking caller: “No, tha

ODJ: you’re beautiful

I was just 16 when I visited Rome. I toured the ancient catacombs as well as St. Peter’s Basilica. They’re both marvels of human creativity, evoking wonder with their enduring tribute to the way humans can chisel stone and dig into the earth and craft beauty from raw elements. In both the cavernous tunnels and the vast domed cathedral, I experienced deep reverence. I can only imagine what the

ODJ: a pet’s death

A friend of mine who runs his own company says he has two rules for his employees: “Rule 1: The boss is always right. Rule 2: If the boss is wrong, refer to Rule 1.” He’s obviously joking, but these words do reflect the way many of us would like to live.
An ‘I can do no wrong’ mentality would have resonated with King David at a certain time in his life. For he lied, stole, commit

ODJ: words disperse

In the movie Doubt, a preacher told of a woman who confessed her sin of gossip to her priest. The man told her to first go home, take a pillow up onto her roof, cut it open and then return. She did as instructed. Then the priest asked her what she saw. “Feathers everywhere, Father.” He said, “Now I want you to go back and gather up every last feather that flew out onto the wind.