Featured Devotionals

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Featured Devotionals. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Featured Devotionals.

ODJ: personal responsibility

My friend’s eyes revealed what I was feeling—fear! We two 13 year olds had behaved poorly and were now cowering before the camp director.

ODJ: beautiful tapestry

According to an Italian newspaper, more and more immigrants are asking for plastic surgery so they can look more ‘Western’. Some Asians are requesting procedures to

ODJ: worship and Christmas

Last year, as we were headed to my sister’s house on Christmas Eve, my husband and I picked up a few last minute items at a large supermarket.

ODJ: your mission statement

Deep down, each of us longs to know what we’re here on earth to do—to have some sense of purpose and mission. Some people have a ‘life verse’ from the Bible that gives them succinct focus.

ODJ: plastic soldiers and HVAs

Our two young boys wanted a nativity set, so we got a small one to place in their room. One night my wife went to tuck them in bed, only to find that Liam (age 5) had posted little plastic soldiers to guard the nativity.

ODJ: you’re beautiful

Ashley Munroe wrote the message “You’re beautiful” on nearly 2,000 notes and then placed one on each locker in her secondary school. Via surveillance cameras, school authorities saw Ashley distributing the notes.

ODJ: courage under fire

Nehemiah was grieved at the report of the dire state of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:3). He shared God’s heart for the holy city, but could do nothing about it in his position as a cupbearer for the king in distant Susa.

ODJ: gospel 101

Suppose there was a nonbeliever visiting your home church. At the end of the service your pastor asked you to share the gospel with the guest. What would you say to him? What about the good news would you present?

ODJ: hope renewed

In December 2013, Australian worship leader Darlene Zschech went for a routine mammogram and was diagnosed with breast cancer. In the turmoil of raw emotions,