Featured Devotionals

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ODJ: rebuilding

On 31 October, 2003, 13 year old Bethany Hamilton was attacked by a 14 foot tiger shark while surfing off the North Shore in Hawaii. Bethany survived, but she lost her left arm and more than 60 percent of

ODJ: promises kept

In the 2013 film Man of Steel, young Clark Kent used his super-human strength to save a busload of fellow students from drowning in a river.

ODJ: pray and release

Author and speaker Mary Lou Quinlan claims that her mother “inhaled a worry and exhaled a prayer.” She says this because her mother had a habit of writing down prayer requests and

ODJ: everlasting splendours

C. S. Lewis grasped the essence of humanity and captured it in these choice words found in The Weight of Glory: “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked

ODJ: stay awake

A German bank employee was in the middle of transferring 62.40 euros from a customer’s bank account when he suddenly nodded off. His ‘power-nap’ took place while

ODJ: no lazy river

One of our favourite family holiday sites is a beautiful beach community. We like to go there during the ‘off season’ when few tourists are around.

ODJ: stirring, searching, humbling

Christmas cards and nativity scenes depict the wise men visiting the Christ-child. But I think the story is bigger than the way it’s presented. The wise men’s journey is also a pattern for our spiritual journey.

ODJ: adventure time!

As my wife tried to get home from visiting our daughter over the holidays, bad weather shut down numerous flights. After 2 days, she had a fistful of boarding passes for planes that couldn’t

ODJ: what do you believe?

Near the climax of the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, a villain shoots Indiana’s father to motivate the distressed son to enter a booby-trapped temple and retrieve the Holy Grail.