
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Trust. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Trust.


ODJ: who can i trust?

In 1942 more than 250,000 Jews were transported by the Nazis from Warsaw to the death camp in Treblinka, Poland. Most of these Jews were killed. A social worker named Irena Sendler, however, posed as a nurse to get into the Warsaw ghetto and rescue children. She managed to smuggle more than 2,500 to safety. In hopes of reuniting the children with their families after the war concluded, she hid t

ODJ: the best deal

When I was a kid, my mum and I would often go to the supermarket together. As she taught me how to compare prices to find the best deal, she would stroll up each aisle with a list of items in one hand and a calculator in the other. She knew how to make each penny count and how to find the best deal. Now, as my husband and I step out into the unknown as church planters, I face a palpable fear of th

ODB: The View From The End

Over the course of one year, Richard LeMieux’s lucrative publishing business collapsed. Soon, his wealth disappeared, and he became depressed. Eventually, LeMieux began to abuse alcohol and his family deserted him. At the lowest point in his life, he was homeless, broken, and destitute. However, it was during this time that he turned to God. He later wrote a book about what he learned.The Israel

ODB: Blessed Are The Meek

One problem with the English word meek is that it rhymes with weak, and people have linked the two words together for years. A popular dictionary offers a secondary definition of meek as “too submissive; easily imposed on; spineless; spiritless.” This causes some people to question why Jesus would say, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Mat

ODJ: grace alone

Imagine going on a missions trip without your luggage. No change of clothing! Oh and no money or credit card either. So, you can forget about buying the basic necessities you might need while you’re away.

That’s exactly what Jesus told His twelve disciples to do when He sent them out on their very first missions trip (Mark 6:8-9). And to top it off, He mentioned He wouldn’t b
Disease cells floating in the air

The Disease and the Cure

This month I read a novel that is based on a true story about the plague—The Black Death that was a menace to the people living in Europe during the Middle Ages.

ODB: Food In The Cupboard

My friend Marcia, the director of the Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf, recently illustrated an important way to look at things. In a newsletter article she titled “A Blessed Start,” she pointed out that for the first time in 7 years the school began the new year with a surplus. And what was that surplus? A thousand dollars in the bank? No. Enough school supplies for the year? No. It was

ODB: Sweet Rest

Try as we might—tossing, turning, fluffing the pillow, pounding the pillow—sometimes we just can’t fall asleep. After offering some good suggestions on how to get a better night’s sleep, a news article concluded that there really is no “right way” to sleep.There are numerous reasons why sleep eludes us, many of which we can’t do much about. But sometimes unwanted wakefulness is cause

ODJ: trust in a suspicious world

My bottle of water tastes good, but how can I trust the claim that it was sourced from a mountain spring? It’s reported that nearly 40 percent of bottled water is ordinary tap water. Also, many in the UK and Europe are wary that their beef may well contain some horse meat. Tests on meat labelled “beef” have exposed widespread fraud in the food industry as horse DNA has been identified. Sto