
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Success. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Success.

Tag Archive for: success


Should Christians Strive For Excellence At Work?

I enjoy work—both work itself and the act of working in a team towards a common goal and then enjoying the fruit of our labor together. In fact, depending on who you ask, I may even be a little too passionate (or obsessed) about getting the job done, and done well.

When I Think of My Successful Friends

Since young, I’ve had the privilege of having friends with brilliant minds who went on to achieve enviable success in school and at work. Many of them graduated from prestigious schools and are now holding well-paying positions as computer engineers, doctors, lawyers, judges, and financial experts.

Why Do We Crave and Struggle to Achieve Success?

Recently, I came across this lament by a very talented young person on his blog: “The reason why I hate attending lessons and going to school is that you are inherently born with lower IQ, so no matter how much you work, people with higher IQ will still win you.”

Success: Once Given, Not Given Up Easily

It would be all too easy for me to sit here and say, “Give up everything for God. Don’t chase the success of the world. Don’t be so career-minded.” That’s what I used to imagine myself telling others—until I faced the dilemma myself.

ODJ: true success

What’s your definition of success? People have said, “It’s being happy”, “Reaching my goals” or “Seeing people receive salvation.” One friend said, “Success is God’s prosperity in all areas of my life: spiritual, physical, financial and relational.”If we define success as achievement, how do we measure it? Perhaps by comparison? For

Striving to be Somebody

Written by Lydia, Beijing, originally in Simplified Chinese (The…

ODB: Miserable Success

“In whatever a man does without God, he must fail miserably—or succeed more miserably,” wrote George MacDonald (1824–1905), a Scottish novelist, poet, and Christian minister. This intriguing statement is often cited by modern speakers and writers and appears in MacDonald’s book Unspoken Sermons. MacDonald was dealing with the difficult subject of a Christian’s self-denial