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Tag Archive for: productivity

A man head is cover on the laptop

Productivity Tips From 3 Bible Characters

As I think about how often productivity, fatigue, and burnout are part of our vocabulary, I wonder if it’s time to assess our work ethics and consider some truths from the Bible that may help us.
Woman looking out a car window

How To Rest Without Feeling Guilty

I grew up in a family where we were reminded to not “just sit there” but to keep our hands busy and help others out. This has made resting unsettling for me, as it seems to be the same as “doing nothing”, which doesn’t make sense when there’s always something to be done.

Isolation’s Ending . . . Should I Have Done More?

A friend asks me through the flames, “So, Maddy. What have you been doing these last few months?” The fire crackles. I feel the eyes on me. It’s my turn to share, and suddenly, socializing doesn’t seem so easy and pleasant. What have I been doing?