Tag Archive for: Mental Health Project (Depression)
I Entered a New Year in Tears, But God Held Me Fast
At the beginning of last year, I was facing anxiety on multiple fronts. While others were looking forward to the coming year with hope, I was starting mine with dread.
My Baby’s Death Showed Me I No Longer Need to Self-Harm
I remember the surprising relief that came with that first cut. It felt stinging and exhilarating and guilt-ridden all at once. Little did I know then that it would be the first of many to come.
How Jesus Restored My Joy While I Battled Suicidal Thoughts
I shouldn’t be here.
If we lived in a world where Jesus Christ didn’t exist, I would be just another statistic among the world’s teenage suicides. A quiet sufferer who one day decided she had enough and ended it all.
I Was on the Brink of Killing Myself
Planning my route to the place where I wanted to kill myself, I cried out to God in utter desperation for the first, and what I thought would be, the last time.
From Bulimia to Depression: Jesus’ Firm Grip on Me in the Midst of Mental Illness
But just as I began to turn less to binge-eating as a coping mechanism, the despair I was already feeling intensified and I fell deep into the darkness of clinical depression. Every new dawn brought with it an onslaught of suicidal thoughts, and there were countless days where I felt utterly dysfunctional and bedridden.
How Can I Serve God While Battling Depression?
Charles Spurgeon? Depression?
I first heard of Charles Spurgeon from my pastor when he shared some insightful quotes from Spurgeon’s many sermons. At the time, I remember being immensely awed by this “giant” of a preacher—and it never occurred to me that someone like Spurgeon would struggle with depression.
When Depression Drove Me Away From God
I have been struggling with depression all my life, but recently, I hit a breaking point. I was furious at the Lord, questioning why He had not taken this illness away.
Depressed—At the Height of My Success
I’ve always been on the quest for love. I was born in a non-Christian family and didn’t know about God, so I turned to the media to define love for me.
Taking the Initiative Against Depression
Arise and eat—1 Kings 19:5