Tag Archive for: meaning
Stuck in a Job You Don’t Like?
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Asking ourselves honest questions can help us understand and address our dissatisfaction in a God-honouring, God-pleasing way.
How to Bring Joy Back Into Our Everyday Life
We often think a joyful life is one that’s filled with fun activities around the clock. Yet while life isn’t a series of happy events, there are things we can do to make life more joy-filled.
3 Myths About Freedom
We think that if we have just enough power, assert enough of our rights, and clarify our wants, freedom will come.
But in reality, being free to do whatever we like, whenever we like, rarely makes us feel truly free.
Finding Fulfillment in the Daily Grind
After another night with only a few hours of sleep, I am in front of my computer preparing for my day. I am in the basement. It’s dark and cold. I feel tired.
Where Meaning is Found
Did you know there’s a conference dedicated to boring stuff? It’s called, appropriately, the Boring Conference.
Meaning of Life
“The meaning of your life is the meaning you give it,” writes philosopher A. C. Grayling in his book Thinking of Answers.