Mark Stromenberg

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Tag Archive for: Mark Stromenberg

Married couple holding each other

When the Honeymoon is Over

Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, who recently celebrated 70 years of marriage, once said, “If a man opens the car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a new wife.” There’s a nugget of truth in this joke: novelty fades in marriage as much as anything else.
Couple holding hands in the street

What If She’s Not The One?

In a recent episode of American sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Raj, one of the main characters, is drawn and attracted to a girl he meets. However, he has been dating his girlfriend for a while, and now wonders if he should break up with her and pursue a new relationship.

Suicide & The Demon Called Depression

Written By Mark Stromenberg, Canada A few months ago, I did…
Comic of what she does for him

She Completes Me (Is A Lie)

I saw this image come through my news feed one morning. And it angered me (if you posted it, this isn’t an attack against you; this picture just started a morning-long conversation in my head). It’s a cute picture, and it’s a cute sentiment. The idea is that “she” makes everything better. “She” cancels out the negative thoughts and self-talk in his mind. Essentially, she saves him.