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Tag Archive for: hope

ODJ: Rejoicing in Deep Need

I read an online obituary for a friend’s father. My heart ached for my friend as I imagined how painful it would be to lose a parent. I sent him an email of condolence and was surprised by his quick response. “It’s been a tough year, but I’m rejoicing in our hope in Christ.” Even as he mourned, he spoke of hope and faith. Similarly, the words of Habakkuk 3:2 surprise

Mike Mohede: A Life Well-Lived

I was shocked when I first heard the news: Mike Mohede, a 32-year-old singer who won Season 2 of Indonesian Idol, passed away yesterday at Premiere Bintaro hospital, Indonesia, from a heart attack.

ODJ: Hope Awakening

In her blog, Gayla wrote about rescuing a cactus from the rubbish bins of a block of flats in her neighbourhood. She found a single stem that showed some signs of life. With some pruning, the seemingly dead plant blossomed once again and is now thriving. She shared the details of the cactus transformation in order to help those who think that their cacti are beyond hope. When God asked whether the

ODJ: Hope that Shines

Enjoying our evening out, we waited for our waitress to come to our table. When she approached, her cheerful demeanour brought an immediate connection, even though we had just met her. However, as our dinner progressed, my husband and I picked up on the self-deprecating comments interjected in her words each time she checked on us. We spoke boldly about God’s beauty in her and asked to pray

ODJ: Here’s Hope!

Amy Bleuel tried to end her life after years of mistreatment and heartbreak. She was 6 when her parents divorced and her stepmother began abusing her. At 13, she was sexually assaulted and blamed for the crime. At 18, her father committed suicide. Addiction and more personal trauma followed. Yet Amy’s faith in Jesus enabled her to survive. In time she founded a support group for people with

After Such Horrific Attacks, what Hope is there?

It’s hard to keep track of everything that has been said about Paris, Beirut, terrorism, and the state of our world in the past few days. So many perspectives have been raised, and so many emotions evoked.

ODJ: what are you hoping for?

Most of us have things we’re hoping for in life, but what are you ultimately hoping for? Paul told Titus to “look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will be revealed” (2:13). Do you believe that Jesus will return to this earth? Do you want Him to come?There’s a reason why 1 Corinthi

ODB: All Safe! All Well!

In January 1915, the ship Endurance was trapped and crushed in the ice off the coast of Antarctica. The group of polar explorers, led by Ernest Shackleton, survived and managed to reach Elephant Island in three small lifeboats. Trapped on this uninhabited island, far from normal shipping lanes, they had one hope. On April 24, 1916, 22 men watched as Shackleton and five comrades set out in

What Do You Know For Sure?

“What do you know for sure?” This was the question American talk show host Oprah Winfrey would often ask her guests at the end of each interview on her wildly popular talk show.