
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under homeless. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: homeless.

Tag Archive for: homeless

YMI Editor's Picks - Best of 2019

Editor’s Picks: The Best of 2019

This year, we set out to explore Jesus' command in Luke 10:27 to love God with everything that we have. We published over 225 articles, produced 24 artspace projects, and 3 videos across 4 themes and a range of topics. Here are the articles, artspace projects, and videos that captured your attention the most.

Abraham and Cheng Yu: We Invited the Homeless to Our Wedding

The laughter and joyous chatter streaming out of Yio Chu Kang Chapel rang through the night. It came from the hundreds of guests who were all dressed impeccably in their finest and the sumptuous food that kept everyone in high spirits. It all looked like a typical scene from a wedding banquet. Except that it was as atypical as any wedding banquet could be.
Homeless person laying on the ground

3 Things I Learned From the Homeless

“Keep an eye out for watermelon boxes. They’re the thickest ones out there,” Fridge instructed as we headed for that night’s cardboard run. It was only my second night sleeping on the streets, but I already knew exactly what Fridge—one of our guides for the weekend who has spent many years homeless—was talking about.
Man with his hand extended to a homeless person

4 Tips For Reaching Out To The Homeless

“Excuse me, miss, do you have any spare change?” The other day, I was asked for some money by a man sitting outside the local supermarket. He was wrapped up in a blanket, with his hoodie over his head and a torn paper cup in his hand.