Tag Archive for: hell

ASK YMI: How Can I Be Happy in Heaven If My Loved Ones Aren’t There?
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How can we be happy knowing that our loved ones are suffering? We struggle with guilt and ask ourselves: Have I not been earnest enough in sharing the gospel with them? Is it because I haven’t been praying for them consistently? Could I have been a better testimony at home?

Is it God’s Fault for Sending People To Hell?
Most people don’t have an issue imagining a place like heaven, but the concept of hell is something that perplexes many, even Christians. Some of the most common questions that have been asked include: If God is love, how can He turn people away from heaven and send them to hell?

Why Does It Have To Be This Way?
Life. It’s unpredictable. Some days it’s peaceful, other days it’s tumultuous. Sometimes it’s beautiful, other times it’s dreary. Some of us enjoy good health and long life, some of us suffer continually and die early. Ever paused and asked why?

Is Christianity just a “Get Out Of Hell Free” Card?
Christianity is simple, isn’t it? After all, don’t Bible bits like John 3:16 show that all you need to do to be a Christian is to believe in God now and then you’ll go to heaven (good place) rather than hell (bad place) when you die?

ODJ: with the Lord
Everyone wants to know what heaven will be like,and over the past several years a spate of books have promised to tell them. Don Piper was first with his 90 Minutes in Heaven. Following that bestseller, The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven and Heaven Is for Real were published and enthusiastically received by readers. One book went in the opposite direction—literally—
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ODJ: confronting the darkness
If we believe in the existence of heaven and hell, then we must also believe Scripture when it speaks of an active spirit world. Just as Jesus acknowledged that Peter did not receive his messianic revelation through ‘flesh and blood’ (God the Father revealed it), Paul reminds us that “we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen

ODJ: imagine
In 1971 John Lennon wrote a song about heaven and hell. The British public voted ”Imagine” their nation’s favourite song in 1999, and it earned Lennon a Grammy Hall of Fame Award that same year. The song also ranked number 3 on Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time (2004).
Lennon wrote: “Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us o
Lennon wrote: “Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us o