Tag Archive for: God’s plan

How God Prepared Me for Rejection
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I was writing a report at work when I saw the email notification:
"...we are regrettably unable to offer you a place in our entering class..."
A hundred emotions rushed through me as I read the rejection letter from my dream school.

I Had My Life Mapped Out—But God Had Other Plans
For my 21-year-old self, the decade ahead brimmed with endless possibilities.
Thanks to a scholarship I secured before university started, I didn’t need to think twice about what degree to take, what internships to do, or what job to apply for.

How God Helped Me Transition Out of My Ideal Job
Five years ago, God helped me secure a new job within three weeks of being told of my redeployment.
By God's grace, I'm still in that same job today. But the transition to the new job wasn't easy.

3 Promises to Help You Make It Through Today
We’ve probably lost track of the number of times we’ve used the word “hope” in our conversations this year. And now that three quarters of the year has passed, we might be feeling hopeless about some of the statements we’ve made.

3 Reasons Why Christianity Is Really Good
If I’m honest, the truth of Christianity has never been enough to get me excited about following Jesus. I can read a book that offers proof of the existence of God and still feel lost as to how that impacts my life today.

Don’t Give Fear A Terror-tory
All of us have experienced fear at some point in our lives, especially when we face new experiences or are forced out of our comfort zones. The uncertainty of the future can paralyze us, taking on its own terror-tory (territory, pun intended).
But instead of focusing on our fears, why not set our sights on our big God, who promises to be with us in all of our fears and anxieties?

Why Won’t God Give Me What I Want?
I want that marriage.
I want that vacation.
I want that . . . Fill in your want.
I wanted the full-time job.
But the more I prayed about it, the more I knew that it wasn’t going to happen just quite yet.

When Things Don’t Make Sense
“Seriously, God?” I was lying down face up on the floor at home, looking at the spinning blades of the ceiling fan. It was January 2014, and I was at a career crossroads in life.

When You’re Skeptical of God’s Plan
I consider myself a very thorough decision-maker. I try to think of all possible factors, potential outcomes, and I take a long time to do it (as if more time would result in a better decision).