God’s goodness

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under God’s goodness. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: God’s goodness.


5 Ways to Remember God's Goodness in 2021

A few years ago, I started practicing these five ways to remember God’s goodness, and they have proved especially helpful in 2020 when the world as we knew it spun out of control, and made a huge difference in the way I responded to the circumstances around me. As we begin 2021, a year with many unknown and uncertainties, I’d like to encourage you to give these five creative habits a try.

Trade Your Worries for God's Peace

I often find that my default mode to bad news is to just go into a spiral of worrying, overthinking, and panicking. That morning, I just let my feelings and thoughts run loose and got completely carried away with my fears. Did I pray? Yeah, I did, but, as it often is in moments like that, it was a prayer that came from a desperate and hopeless place. A prayer uttered in fear, with very little confidence.

3 Reasons Why Christianity Is Really Good

If I’m honest, the truth of Christianity has never been enough to get me excited about following Jesus. I can read a book that offers proof of the existence of God and still feel lost as to how that impacts my life today.

When the Going Gets Tough . . . Give Thanks!

Giving thanks in all circumstances. It seems easier when things are going well and worry seems far. But as I’ve thought about thankfulness more deeply recently, I’ve pondered how we can make sense of this command when life is crashing around us.

Stop Regretting, Start Remembering

Whenever I think about my past mistakes, I end up wasting the rest of my day by wallowing in self-pity. There’s no hope for me. I’ve made too many mistakes, too many regrets. 

It Starts with Believing God is Good

We all have probably said “Thank God” or “God is good” many times in our lives. But do our choices and way of living truly reflect what we say? It wasn’t always the case for me.

When God Allows Unhappy Moments To Take Place

“I can’t tell you about my unhappy moments because I’ve never experienced any before,” my friend said. We were having a small group discussion and were taking turns to share about at least three moments in our lives that made us unhappy.

ODJ: taste and see

A friend posted a crockpot recipe on her Facebook page. The meal looked good, so I downloaded the recipe—intending to use it one day. The following week, another friend said she was looking for some good slow-cooker meals to prepare, so I emailed her the crockpot recipe I had seen on Facebook. She, in turn, forwarded it to several friends who passed it on as well.Later, while talking with f

I Am (Not) Stupid

I never think that I can do anything well enough. My report book has always been full of red marks since my first elementary class. I joined a private tuition,