God’s family

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Tag Archive for: God’s family

A signboard with point to the other side

How to Trust God (and Not Just Your Feelings) When Switching Careers

I sometimes wish I had a clear mandate from God, like how He had directed Abraham in no uncertain terms on where to go (Genesis 12:1–5). If only I could be as sure as Abraham, that I was going where God had planned for me to be! But I never got clear answers to my prayers. Instead, I made a decision based on what I knew and believed at that point, and asked God to see me through it. 
People in church

After Years of Church-hopping, I Went Back

When I first became a Christian, I didn’t like my home church very much. Even though it was a doctrinally correct church and I essentially grew up in it, I felt like I didn’t really fit in.

What Makes Family

Family, family, family.  Some of us may feel a surge of warmth thinking about family. Others may heave a heavy sigh.
A psychiatrist is having a psychological testing with the patient

What I Learned When My Professional Title Expired

A professional title can be stripped away. That realisation dawned on me when I was barred from renewing my license by the office that regulated my profession.
Illustration of an interracial couple holding hands

When Race and Faith Collide: Woes of Dating Someone From a Different Race

The door slammed. Right in my face. I have never had someone do that to me before; this was the stuff of Hollywood dramas, but this drama was only just beginning. That was the response I encountered when my father asked me point-blank if I was seeing Pravin*. It marked the start of a downward spiral in my relationship with my father, two years of what my father called the “dark night of his soul”.

The Fact about God’s Family

God’s family is like no other. While can’t choose our earthly family, God chooses us to be a part of His family.

When A Fellow Christian Annoys You

Whenever relationships are involved, there’s always friction—even relationships in the church. One reason why we get annoyed by fellow Christians is simple: we have different ways of doing things.

What My Ideal Family Looks Like

I had always wished that I was an Eurasian, so I would have nice…

ODB: Joining The Family

Maurice Griffin was adopted when he was 32 years old. He had lived with Lisa and Charles Godbold 20 years earlier as a foster child. Although Maurice was now a man living on his own, adoption had been what the family and he had always longed for. Once they were reunited and the adoption was official, Maurice commented, “This is probably the happiest moment in my life. . . . I’m happy to be hom