Tag Archive for: fruit of the Spirit
5 Blessings to Hop on This Lunar New Year
His blessings for us are not wishful thinkings, hoping against hope that they’ll come true–they are already true for those who remain true and streadfast in Him.
When God’s Call Isn’t Clear
People often ask me how I knew God was calling me to be a missionary—to be honest, I didn’t know for sure if He was. Moving to Taiwan from my home in the US was an intimidating decision. So, in the absence of clear direction, I took small steps of faith.
Be a fruitful worker
Our workplaces can be our mission field. We are not only to work heartily for God, but also be ambassadors for Christ (Colossians 3:23, 2 Corinthians 5:20). One way to do this is by showing the fruits of the Holy Spirit at work.
ODB: “Gorgeous Inside”
It’s a rather nondescript house that sits on a busy thoroughfare. With no distinctive characteristics, this rather plain home is easy to ignore. But as I drove past it the other day, I noticed a “For Sale” sign in the yard. Attached to the sign was a smaller notice that happily announced: “I’m gorgeous inside.” While I’m not in the market for a new house, that sign intrigued me. What