Tag Archive for: foreign workers

Ames Chen: Why I Write About the “Invisible People”
Hearing all the stories about unfair treatment, abuse, depression, and other struggles by this group of “invisible people” kept Ames awake at night.

We Need to Talk About Race Matters
As a Singaporean Chinese, I’ve always been part of the racial majority. Although my heart is for the overlooked and voiceless, I knew that no amount of ministry with and among them would enable me to experience what being on the margins, or “othered”, is like. So I looked forward to experiencing life as a racial minority when I moved to the US.

Breaking Misconceptions of the Marginalised: Migrant Workers
What if one day you were forced to leave your family behind and move to a new country where you know no one, and had to work 7 days a week without rest?

Mya Ji: The 5-Year-Old Who Raised $8,500 for COVID-Hit Migrant Workers
When she saw the number of COVID-19 cases spike among low-wage migrant workers in Singapore earlier this year, Mya Ji sprung to action. The five-year-old emptied her piggy bank, hoping to buy these “uncles”— as Mya fondly addresses them—some good meals and bring some cheer.
Thus sprouted the idea of a plant sale in April 2020.