
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Fear. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Fear.


ODB: Shadowed

Someone was shadowing me. In a darkened hallway, I turned the corner to go up a flight of stairs and was alarmed by what I saw, stopping dead in my tracks. It happened again a few days later. I came around the back of a favorite coffee shop and saw the large shape of a person coming at me. Both incidents ended with a smile, however. I’d been frightened by my own shadow!The prophet Jeremiah talke

ODJ: trust and reality

The young man looked at me in wide-eyed fear. He could climb no further. “What happens,” he cried, “if I fall off the rock?” “The problem isn’t falling; the problem is hitting the ground,” I said, smiling. He sent an accusing stare in my direction.
I continued. “You’re attached to a safety rope directly to me. You can’t fall, because I have a tight hold on you.” The stud


By Calvin Woo Fear is what draws us back most of the time.…

ODJ: nothing in the water

In the 2012 issue of American magazine Foreign Policy, columnist Micah Zenko wrote an article in an attempt to allay people’s fears of shark attacks. Zenko concluded that because of the movie Jaws, millions of people in America unnecessarily panic when they hear that a shark might be near the area where they’re swimming.

According to Zenko’s research, however,

ODB: Blessed Forgetfulness

My office is downstairs, but I make frequent trips upstairs to various rooms in my house for one thing or another. Unfortunately, by the time I get upstairs I often forget what I was planning to do when I got there. Researcher Gabriel Radvansky has come up with an explanation for this phenomenon. He proposes that a doorway serves as an “event boundary.”After conducting three different experime

Will you identify with me?

Fear can be a truly crippling emotion. It can leave us haunted by the “what ifs”, “if onlys”, and “I should have” that come as we second-guess our own failure to do or say something.

ODB: Boo!

One of the early games that many parents play with their children involves a fake scare. Dad hides his face behind his hands and suddenly reveals himself while saying, “Boo!” The child giggles at this silliness.Being frightened is a fun game until the day when the child experiences a real scare. Then it’s no laughing matter. The first real scare often involves separation from a parent. The c

ODB: Our Fearless Champion

Falling asleep was a challenging event during my childhood. No sooner had my parents turned out the lights than the crumpled clothes I had thrown on the chair would take on the form of a fiery dragon and the thoughts of something living under my bed put me into a panic that made sleep impossible.I’ve come to realize that the immobilizing power of fear is not just a childhood experience. Fear kee

ODJ: tissue boxes

As I sat in the surgical waiting room, I had plenty oftime to think. I’d been here before. The last time, the outcome was bad—very bad. On that day we received the news that my only brother was “brain dead”—two devastating words.

Today was different. Alone, I listened to the room’s nervous laughter, intense phone conversations, oblivious children and the quiet voic