Eunice Lin

Learn more about Eunice Lin and check out Eunice Lin’s contributions to YMI over the years.


Individuals walking past one another

We Need to Talk About Race Matters

As a Singaporean Chinese, I’ve always been part of the racial majority. Although my heart is for the overlooked and voiceless, I knew that no amount of ministry with and among them would enable me to experience what being on the margins, or “othered”, is like. So I looked forward to experiencing life as a racial minority when I moved to the US.
Puddle in the street

Why I Reach Out To Prostitutes and the Marginalized

I was trained as a social worker and worked for seven years in a government agency. I loved that my job entailed advocating for change at a systemic level and thrived at work. It also enabled me to live out my faith intentionally, which shaped the ways I interacted and worked with those around me.