Tag Archive for: coronavirus

6 Signs Your Christianity Is Too Comfortable
Has your relationship with God become more like a once-a-week date, same time same place, with a 10-to-15-minute check-in every other day—at best?
Does Christianity still define us, or have we redefined Christianity to suit us?

How to Beat That Languishing Feeling
When 2020 ticked over into 2021, we were hopeful that the new year would be a better one. And for awhile, it did look promising.
But alas, the bubble’s popped and the recent news about the outbreak of new COVID strains, worsening cases, and heightened restrictions have made us feel like we’re right back at square one. What can we do to keep ourselves going?
Here are some tips to help us beat that languishing feeling.

3 Unexpected Gifts of 2020
A morning swim at the outdoor pools, with the glorious sun on my back. A coffee in a cafe, breathing in the scent of freshly grounded coffee beans. A haircut at the hairdresser’s, watching dead ends snipped away.
Just a few short months ago, the idea of being able to do any of the above seemed like an impossible reality.

3 Prayers to Refresh Your Weary Soul
More than any other year, 2020 has been a year that has kept us on our toes. After 10 months of living the COVID-19 life, l for one have become weary.
If your soul, too, is feeling weary and downtrodden from all that’s been happening this year, l hope that the following three prayers will rejuvenate you.

God’s Unexpected Plan for My Family Through COVID-19
It all started when I had a fight with my boyfriend.
In spite of the COVID-19 social restrictions, he had gone to play futsal with his buddies in an enclosed stadium—without a mask on! I got really angry with him for being so careless and forbade him from seeing me for two full weeks.

How to Get Rid of Your Unwanted “New Normal” Habits
As the world adjusts to a “new normal”, I’ve awakened to the realization that COVID-19 has incubated a “new normal” of a different kind within me—one I’m not sure I should get used to.

Mya Ji: The 5-Year-Old Who Raised $8,500 for COVID-Hit Migrant Workers
When she saw the number of COVID-19 cases spike among low-wage migrant workers in Singapore earlier this year, Mya Ji sprung to action. The five-year-old emptied her piggy bank, hoping to buy these “uncles”— as Mya fondly addresses them—some good meals and bring some cheer.
Thus sprouted the idea of a plant sale in April 2020.

3 Ways to Share Jesus in a Post-COVID World
Being in lockdown means there’s never been a more difficult time to tell our friends about Jesus. We can’t talk to each other face to face, unless it’s to get a haircut! But there’s also never been an easier time to tell our friends about Jesus. Whatever was once working for them is no longer working. They are hungry for answers.

4 Ways to Reignite Joy When Life Feels Disappointing
“Sian . . . I had to cancel my travel plans.”
That is probably one of the most frequent complaints I’ve heard from both friends and even myself in light of the COVID-19 situation. While a cancelled holiday is a first-world problem that I’m not proud to be fussing over, especially when many others are struggling to stay afloat, I had been looking forward to a nice holiday after months of working hard, and that disappointment in seeing my plans fall apart is real.