
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Confrontation. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Confrontation.

Tag Archive for: confrontation

5 Things To Do When Confronting Someone

“He did something wrong. You should talk to him.” “Hey, why me? You should be the one to tell him. Aren’t you his friend?” Due to my conflict-avoidant personality, the idea of correcting someone scares me. I fear that speaking up will affect my relationship with my friends. Therefore, when I see them doing something wrong, I often ask others to reprove them instead, just like I did in the conversation above.

How God Used My Painful Experiences to Bless Others

A few weeks ago, my Bible study group in church was reading Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life together. There was a section from the book that caught my attention.

ODB: Strawberry Mess

My husband and I had recently moved into our house when a man dropped off a large box of strawberries on our front sidewalk. He left a note saying he wanted us to share them with our neighbors. He meant well, but some children discovered the box before any adults did and had a strawberry-throwing party at our white house. When we returned home, we saw children we knew watching us from behind a fen