Tag Archive for: compassion

3 Beliefs We Wrongly Hold About Jesus
Did you ever hear these lines growing up?
“Stop being so _________! Jesus would never do that!”
“Don’t say/do that! You’re behaving like an unbeliever!”
But is that really what the Bible tells us about Jesus? Is He the Lord of “good vibes only”?

How to Journey with Those Grieving the Suicide of a Loved One
Three years ago, my brother committed suicide. Facing that was a real struggle.
I believe the grief ministry is an underrated one. Most of us are uncomfortable with loss and mourning, even as we’re called to mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). People who are grieving also face a lot of questions and doubts, and the church plays an important role in helping people keep their faith.

Becoming a Safe Place: How to be a Friend Who Helps
Most of us know how intimidating Christians can be, even for us Christians. As easily as “authentic” and “real” roll off the tongue, it’s another thing to actually engage on that level.
Yet honest relationships are in the spirit of what God extends to us.

There’s More to Celebrate than Marriage and Babies
I see my phone light up with an incoming facetime call from one of my best friends. While we’re very close, we don’t usually facetime each other unannounced. I do the math.

Mya Ji: The 5-Year-Old Who Raised $8,500 for COVID-Hit Migrant Workers
When she saw the number of COVID-19 cases spike among low-wage migrant workers in Singapore earlier this year, Mya Ji sprung to action. The five-year-old emptied her piggy bank, hoping to buy these “uncles”— as Mya fondly addresses them—some good meals and bring some cheer.
Thus sprouted the idea of a plant sale in April 2020.

What If I’m the Sinner, Not the Saint?
Do you ever wonder who Jesus would be hanging out with if He were with us in the flesh today? Who are the “outsiders” that we’d be astonished to see Him with? The down-on-their-luck, left-behind and forgotten, sick and outcast whom He’d notice with compassion?

Lisa Anderson: Creating A Safe Space for Teen Moms
Shame and helplessness were among the emotions Lisa Anderson fought when she fell pregnant at 17-years-old.
Prior to her pregnancy, she had had a rough few years, starting with her mom leaving the family when she was just 15. Her mom’s departure led to a breakdown in her relationship with God.

Autism Awareness Day: How I Learned to Enter into Their World
He was having a very bad day. Something in his routine had changed. He was screaming, crying, and dashing around, hitting out at tables, the walls, and even his forehead.

The Girl I’ll Never Forget
I had barely turned 17 that fall in 2015. Newly arrived in Hungary for Bible college, I accompanied a group of pastors and students that were going to one of the many refugee camps at the Serbian border to help with relief and supplies.