Tag Archive for: childlike faith

Three Good Things About Childhood We Forget as Adults
It is amazing how much interacting with a child (whether your own or a family member’s or friend’s) reminds you of the wonderful manner in which they view the world – how we likely viewed the world too at that age, before we “grew up” and graduated to a life of work, rent or mortgage payments, complicated friendships, disappointment and heartbreak.

When Jesus Says “Become Like Children”
If there’s one topic that got people concerned as Jesus preached about the coming of the kingdom of heaven, the importance of becoming like children would make the list.
It must have been slightly bizarre because nobody ever pays that much attention to children… being children.

How to Be Childlike Before God
The other night after small group, I experienced the cutest thing: The daughter of one of our members, who reminds me of a blonde, blue-eyed version of Boo from Monsters Inc.
“Boo” was delightful, adorably undignified, openly affectionate.
I’ve been thinking about how God wants—no, actually, requires that we somehow go to Him like her.