Caleb Young

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Tag Archive for: Caleb Young

Is Our Faith Dead?

Is Our Faith Dead?

A couple years back, I read a story on social media about a new pastor who dressed himself as a homeless man on his first Sunday visit to the church as its leader. According to the story, only three of his congregation of around 10,000 people greeted him.

It’s About Both Speech And Deeds

At some point in our lives, we have all said something we wish we hadn’t. For some of us, this has happened more often than we’d like to admit. It could be something as embarrassing as uttering a social faux pas, or something as hurtful as lashing out against a friend or loved one.
February fasting image for coffee

Why I’m Giving Up Coffee for a Month

“I’ll take that bet.” It was a sentence I uttered all too casually while pouring my coffee one Monday morning, and a sentence that I would live to regret. My colleague and self-confessed Coke-aholic (as in Coca-Cola) Jacob laid down a challenge that he would go an entire month without sugar if I promised to go a month without coffee if he succeeded.
Homeless person laying on the ground

3 Things I Learned From the Homeless

“Keep an eye out for watermelon boxes. They’re the thickest ones out there,” Fridge instructed as we headed for that night’s cardboard run. It was only my second night sleeping on the streets, but I already knew exactly what Fridge—one of our guides for the weekend who has spent many years homeless—was talking about.
Soldiers in a trench during World War I

Remembering Anzac Day And An Exemplary Army Chaplain

The call for a “padre” rang out down the line. Some poor “digger” (the colloquial term for an Australian soldier) had died and a chaplain was needed for the burial service.

Xempt: A New Name And New Lease On Life

At the age of 17, Caleb Bloomfield found himself in the dark basement of his apartment no longer in control of his own life. He was reeling from two major losses