North America

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under North America. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: North America.

ODJ: our triumph

I started this year with great enthusiasm. Having mapped out a strategy for pointing the youth ministry at my church towards loving God and loving people, I shared it with some colleagues and off we went! Well, 6 months later I did an evaluation and found we had made only minuscule progress. Discouragement covered me like a dark cloud.

When writing 2 Corinthians, Paul was possibly at

ODB: Quest For Stolen Treasure

In J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, the dwarfs gathered to go up against Smaug, the fierce dragon, to retrieve their stolen treasure. In spite of the dangerously frightening quest, Balin, the dwarfs’ second-in-command, expressed confidence in Thorin: “There is one I could follow. There is one I could call King.” His commitment to the mission, as dangerous as it was, was empowered by

ODJ: marriage changes you

When we’re in love we easily overlook the flaws in the person we hope to marry. This is good when the flaw is small, but it’s bad when the flaw is more serious—such as a habit of rudely interrupting people or of not going to church. You might put up with a future spouse’s shortcoming because you think that once you’re married you’ll change the one you love. Don’t count on it. Irritat
YMI Typography - So it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. - Romans 12:5

ODB: The Crash

For years after the Great Depression, the stock market struggled to win back investors’ confidence. Then, in 1952, Harry Markowitz suggested that investors spread their stock holdings over several companies and industries. He developed a theory for portfolio selection that helped investors in uncertain times. In 1990, Markowitz and two others won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for

ODJ: shame and inheritance

In 2013 the Catholic Church in Venezuela reported that it was running out of wine to celebrate Mass because of a nationwide shortage. This reminds me of another shortage of wine that took place in the village of Cana where Jesus was attending a wedding.

The wine supply ran out during the festivities and Jesus’ mother told the servants to do whatever He commanded (John 2:5). Jesus

ODB Animated Video: Blessed Forgetfulness

Today’s reading can be found here Watch the animated video…

ODB: Blessed Forgetfulness

My office is downstairs, but I make frequent trips upstairs to various rooms in my house for one thing or another. Unfortunately, by the time I get upstairs I often forget what I was planning to do when I got there. Researcher Gabriel Radvansky has come up with an explanation for this phenomenon. He proposes that a doorway serves as an “event boundary.”After conducting three different experime

ODJ: gentle heart

Recently I was forced to bring my car to a complete stop on a busy road. A man in front of me had slammed on the brakes of his van, interrupting the flow of traffic. He climbed out of his van, walked to the front of the idling vehicle and stooped to pick something up. As he passed in front of my halted car, I could see that he was carrying a tiny turtle that he proceeded to place gently at the ba