Asia Pacific

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Asia Pacific. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Asia Pacific.


ODB: Einstein and Jesus

We remember Albert Einstein for more than his disheveled hair, big eyes, and witty charm. We know him as the genius and physicist who changed the way we see the world. His famous formula of E=mc2 revolutionized scientific thought and brought us into the nuclear age. Through his “Special Theory of Relativity” he reasoned that since everything in the universe is in motion, all

Sorry, My Friends!

I’ve not been a good friend to some of my closest friends. I’ve betrayed one, angered another, and offended a third (twice). I betrayed the first by cutting him out of my life because of someone else (long story).

ODJ: enjoying times with God

Day 7. The alarm clock buzzes; it is morning again. I roll over and hit the snooze button, not ready to get out of bed yet. My spirit cries out for nourishment; my body appeals for more sleep. I’m still struggling to have regular quiet time with God.This is Nic’s story, and it’s not unique. Many of us struggle to spend consistent time with God. So, congratulations! You&

ODB: Not Again!

As I was reading the text message on my mobile phone, my temperature started to rise and my blood began to boil. I was on the verge of shooting back a nasty message when an inner voice told me to cool down and reply tomorrow. The next morning after a good night’s sleep, the issue that had upset me so greatly seemed so trivial. I had blown it out of proportion because I didn’t want to p

Friendship in Our Fast-Paced Society

I’ll be the first to say that if there was ever an award for “Worst Friend”, I would win first place. There have been times when I was so caught up with my work, I forgot my friends even existed. If I was not busy replying to work-related text messages, then I was constantly checking my email.

ODJ: taking calls

When asked what’s the coolest thing about being the commander-in-chief, American President Barack Obama said, “For me, I think the coolest thing is that if there is somebody interesting who’s doing anything—a scientist, a sports figure, a writer, anybody in the world—if I want to call them up they will answer my phone call. That’s a pretty cool thing.” His

ODB: A Portrait of Jesus

In Portraits of Famous American Women, Robert Henkes writes, “A portrait is not a photograph, nor is it a mirror image.” A portrait goes beyond the outer appearance to probe the emotional depth of the human soul. In a portrait, a true artist tries “to capture what the person is really about.”            Over th

A Letter From My Father

On one of my free days, I decided to clear some of the drawers in my room. As I was sorting through some old letters in one of my drawers, I stumbled on a letter I had not seen in a long while and had clean forgotten about.

ODJ: two things we need

Fire requires oxygen and fuel in tandem to keep burning—something that’s important to know in my part of the world when winter snowstorms come calling! If you don’t have enough oxygen flowing to the logs you’ve set ablaze, the fire will die down. And if you run out of wood, you’ll soon be trying to warm your hands over cooling ashes!The apostle John, now an old man pr