Asia Pacific

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Sharing Your Faith: What Not to Do

Christianity is contagious and yet, in this world of easy communication and hundreds of different beliefs, sharing the gospel with family, friends, dentists, garbage collectors, colleagues, enemies, taxi drivers, teammates or others can often go awry pretty quickly—without us even knowing why.

ODJ: a grim reminder

What are you reading?” a friend asked. “A fairy tale,” I replied. “Oh, I love fairy tales,” she said and leaned over to read the title of the story. “Ewww!” she said, “What a grim title.” I was reading “The Glass Coffin” in the book Grimms’ Fairy Tales. Apparently the word coffin turned her off.While most of

ODB: Holding Me Up

After I no longer went on family road trips with my parents, it became a rare occasion to visit my grandparents who lived hundreds of miles away from us. So one year, I decided to fly to visit them in the small town of Land O’Lakes, Wisconsin, for a long weekend. As we drove to the airport for my return flight, Grandma, who had never flown, began to express her fears to me: “That was s

Knowing Us Inside Out

A typical question I get asked as a psychology major is: “Can you read my mind?” (No prizes for guessing my answer.) Perhaps that is why I have thought about how wonderful it would be if I could actually read another person’s mind. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person to think that way, which is why I think Disney’s latest Pixar offering, Inside Out, appeals to so many of us.

ODJ: who am i?

Looking back, some of the most stretching moments in my life came when I was asked to do something new—something I had never done before. Perhaps you can relate to being asked to do something way out of your comfort zone!God was preparing to free the Jews from slavery (Exodus 3:8). He gave Moses the job, but he said, “Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?” (vv.10-

ODB: A Fragrance and a Letter

Every time I get close to a rosebush or a bouquet of flowers, I’m unable to resist the temptation to pull a flower toward my nose to savor the fragrance. The sweet aroma lifts up my heart and triggers good feelings within me.Writing to the Christians in Corinth centuries ago, the apostle Paul says that because we belong to Christ, God “uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of hi

What if God was “A Bowl of Ice Cream”?

Of all the presents I received for my eighth birthday—coloring books, fancy stationery, and toys— the children’s Bible was the best gift. I recall racing through Genesis to Jude, but staying away from Revelation because I did not like thinking about the End Times.

ODJ: i got this

I had been doing well in my university classes and assumed that my upcoming logic exam was no big deal. A lukewarm sense of complacency settled over me. You might sum up my attitude as “I got this!”Unforgiving reality showed me I most certainly did not have this. My grade for the term plummeted. It seems my academic philosophy contained a misjudgement or two.The historical acc

ODB: God’s Plans

An army officer may have an overall plan, but before each battle he has to receive and give out new instructions. Joshua, a leader of the Israelites, had to learn this lesson. After God’s people spent 40 years in the wilderness, God chose Joshua to lead them into the land He had promised to them.The first stronghold they faced was the city of Jericho. Before the battle, Joshua saw the &ldquo