Asia Pacific

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Asia Pacific. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Asia Pacific.

Image of girl writing in her notebook

Confessions of a Christian Life Hacker

I watch, impressed, as a friend tears open a bag of crisps, tucks in the bottom corners of the packet and keeps rolling the sides under until he’s created an instant snack bowl from nothing but the original packaging—ingenious!

ODJ: Surprising Victory

At the climax of the film Superman II, it looked as if villain General Zod had beaten the world’s superhero. Zod had coerced Superman into a crystal chamber that was designed to expose him to sunrays from their home planet Krypton—rays that would neutralize his superpowers. But Superman secretly reconfigured the chamber so that the power—draining sunrays were released on

ODB: Heart Check

When commuting into Chicago on the train, I always followed the “unwritten codes of conduct”—such as, no conversations with people sitting next to you if you don’t know them. That was tough on a guy like me who has never met a stranger. I love talking to new people! Although I kept the code of silence, I realized that you can still learn something about people based on the section of the n
hands and clock

Is God into quick fixes?

Have you ever wondered why God intervenes in some situations quickly while in other situations, He doesn’t seem to do anything? Why are some people healed instantly, while others take a much longer time—and some are not healed at all?

ODJ: Single-Eyed Focus

Luciano Faggiano bought a building to house his new restaurant venture. Unfortunately, sewage kept backing up through a toilet. So he and his sons began digging a trench in order to find the broken sewage pipe. After a week, they couldn’t find the problem. Frustration with the project quickly turned into excitement, however, when they unearthed an archaeological treasure. The men discovered

ODB: Resisting the Trap

A Venus flytrap can digest an insect in about 10 days. The process begins when an unsuspecting bug smells nectar on the leaves that form the trap. When the insect investigates, it crawls into the jaws of the plant. The leaves clamp shut within half a second and digestive juices dissolve the bug.This meat-eating plant reminds me of the way sin can devour us if we are lured into it. Sin is hungry fo

How I Got Rid of Self-Pity

I have many reasons to feel sorry for myself. The biggest one is my physical disability: I was born deaf. I could not speak until I was seven years old, when my parents sent me to a special elementary school for handicapped people.
YMI Typography - For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. - Proverbs 2:6

Typography: Proverbs 2:6

For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and…

ODJ: Never Beyond God’s Grace

My springer spaniel was recognized as one of the most talented, hardworking dogs in our hunting community. He would go out on thin ice to retrieve game when other dogs would turn back. Pursuing a pheasant through the thickest bramble and thorn—areas that other dogs would not enter because it was so dense—wasn’t a problem. His determination was so great that he even made a retriev