
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Culture. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Culture.

Year 2018 Journal

Don’t Give Up On Making Resolutions, Here’s 5 Tips

Making New Year’s resolutions is one of my favorite traditions of the holiday season. “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” is an unavoidable question asked of friends, family, and coworkers alike this time of year.
Man holding a notebook with stickers on it

2017: The Year My Resolutions Failed Spectacularly

I’ve had years in which I did not meet my new year resolutions, but never a year in which I failed in my resolutions as spectacularly as I did this past year.
Woman holding her phone typing

How to Disagree on Facebook

During college, I helped lead our campus ministry. One time, I got into an argument with one of my co-leaders. Somehow I ended up losing my cool and yelling at her.
Martin Luther

Martin Luther: And So He Died As He Lived

"And so he died as he lived." That's how Martin Luther was eulogized after his death on February 18, 1546, some 470 years ago.

Learning About FOMO from Lot’s Wife

I have a confession to make. I have to Google half the new words I come across these days. If you're an eighties baby like me, you can probably identify with this.
Woman holding her hands over her face in bed

I’m Not Who You See on Instagram

One square photo. One little box under our fingertip that we scroll through daily. That’s all it takes for us to form an opinion about someone or something.
incense burning outside

Should Christians be Afraid of Spirits?

As someone who is relatively timid, I tend to get jittery and fearful whenever the seventh-month comes around.
iPhone with headphones listening to music

What Should Christians Make of Secular Music?

It is the first lesson we learn as Christians: we live in a fallen world that is full of sin. It is therefore no surprise that popular culture is full of books, music, and movies that contradict the Bible’s standards.
Woman wearing a pink dress with birds on it

Is Dressing Modestly Overrated?

I’ve always felt uneasy about the topic of modesty. Growing up in church, I heard many different rules and principles about modesty. However, I often had difficulty accepting some of them—something I know other Christian girls have dealt with as well.