Building a relationship with God

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Building a relationship with God. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Building a relationship with God.


Why I’m Getting Baptized 30 Years On

I’ve finally made up my mind to attend a baptism class; no one coerced me into doing it. A series of events over the past five years, and especially in recent months, have assured me of my faith and now, 30 years on, I’m ready to publicly declare it.

What Do You Know For Sure?

“What do you know for sure?” This was the question American talk show host Oprah Winfrey would often ask her guests at the end of each interview on her wildly popular talk show.

Look Up!

I was stuck in a cab in heavy traffic one day when I spotted a billboard sign which said, “Look up, young man.—God”. That day, I was heading to Makati, a city which is 15 miles away from my hometown, to attend an appointment.

Follow Your Heart . . . Really?

Follow your heart, and do what makes you happy. People offered me this advice countless times while I was growing up. They said it was the secret recipe to living a pleasurable, joyful life.

What if God was “A Bowl of Ice Cream”?

Of all the presents I received for my eighth birthday—coloring books, fancy stationery, and toys— the children’s Bible was the best gift. I recall racing through Genesis to Jude, but staying away from Revelation because I did not like thinking about the End Times.

Me and My Alter Ego

Have you ever watched Disney shows as a kid? Well, I have. One of the shows I remember watching was Lizzie McGuire, an American teen sitcom about the alter ego of the title character.

When We Lose Sight of God in Our Relationships

Recently, I was able to enjoy a work-free weekend and got to spend time with my boyfriend, Asiri. As a couple, we have our ups and downs, but by God’s grace, we have been able to work through our problems.

The Day I Googled the Weight of a Cloud

Have you ever wondered how much a cloud weighs? It’s a strange question, I know, but it’s something that came to mind one Sunday as I was taking in one of my favorite sights from the window by my bedside—a blue sky dotted with puffy, snow-white clouds.

What It Takes to Have Strong Faith

Have you ever felt like you’re up against a tsunami wave with nowhere to turn? Have you ever proclaimed and declared that God is sovereign, but found it a little hard to hold on to this truth when there’s a huge wave or a mountain in front of you?