
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Identity. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Identity.

A woman is working as a chef

I Was a Chef, Until My Arm Stopped Working

It all began one day when my shoulder started hurting. At first I thought it was just a bad case of stiff neck, but it worsened to the point that I couldn’t turn my neck anymore.
a woman is going to work in subway

The Struggles of Being Underemployed

I graduated with a master’s degree, but after not being able to land a job in my field of study, I resorted to working at a restaurant to support myself.
Holding a "JUST SAY NO" card

Why We Struggle to Say No

As I write this, I have just said “no” to listening to my mother’s resentments about a close family member. I told her it would be better for them to talk things out instead of using me as their confidante.
a woman looks mixed feeling

Am I Really My Sinful Self? Yes and No

Someone told me they had stumbled on a great new discipline strategy for their children. When this person caught their child doing something wrong, the child was stopped. The parent would tell them, “That’s not who you are!” In one sense, that's true.
A woman is reading book on her bed

I Lost My Hearing, But I Still Heard God’s Grace and Love

The year I turned 24, I became virtually deaf. I was talking to my family one night when I realised that I could only pick out two or three words in a sentence. The doctors diagnosed me with sensorineural hearing loss.
Image of a journal and coffee mug

My Reflections Growing Up as a Pastor’s Kid

Everyone knew me as the “Pastor’s Daughter” and expected me to behave like one—holy and God-fearing, without a fault. Outside of church? I was just your average kid.
A psychiatrist is having a psychological testing with the patient

What I Learned When My Professional Title Expired

A professional title can be stripped away. That realisation dawned on me when I was barred from renewing my license by the office that regulated my profession.
Image of a girl thinking and holding a cup of coffee

Confessions of a “Good Christian Girl”—Countering Toxic Christianity

The world has conjured for us the image of the “perfect Christian”—that we are to have squeaky clean conduct, and always be doing good deeds. After all, didn’t our God ask us to be perfect as He is perfect (Matthew 5:48)?
A sad woman covered her face with her hoody jacket

How Can I Be Happy if I’m Not Good-Looking?

When I wasn’t pining for plastic surgery, I was obsessed with losing weight. I repeatedly vowed to eat less, but was trapped in a vicious cycle of failure and self-loathing. Defeated by my failed attempts, I would think: What hope is there for someone like me, with neither great wealth nor remarkable beauty, to attain happiness?