
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Identity. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Identity.

Door in the middle of nowhere

How God Prepared Me for Rejection

I was writing a report at work when I saw the email notification: "...we are regrettably unable to offer you a place in our entering class..."  A hundred emotions rushed through me as I read the rejection letter from my dream school.
Woman embracing her shadow who is a spectrum of colours

Coming to Terms with My Autism

I was 20 years old when I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  A part of me couldn’t bring myself to accept this news because I was afraid my family and friends would reject me.
A woman feels she can't do it and lie down on the working table.

When You Want to Give Up Before You’ve Even Started

An organisation in my college was calling for submissions for a writers’ workshop, so I decided to try it out, as I had just finished writing a story.
text with icons and doodles

How to Be at Peace When You Have Not Achieved Your Goals

What has this year been like for you? Were you able to do all that you had set out to accomplish?
a girl use a book cover her face

Learning to Overcome My Insecurities

I have always struggled with insecurities. I have always felt the need to be perfect and to present the best version of myself to everyone.
Woman smiling with shadow background

I Learnt to Stop Obsessing Over God’s Will for My Life

In my late teens and early twenties, fresh faced and uni-bound, questions and concerns about God’s will for my life often dominated my thoughts. I searched for my “purpose” and “calling” in every corner I could find.
A hand is wiping the bathroom

My Career Came to a Standstill at 26

At 26, my life changed in ways that I wouldn’t have planned for myself. My boyfriend at the time received an offer for a position overseas. We decided to get married so we could move together.
Girl with a box over her head

Why Humility Isn’t the Same as Putting Ourselves Down

My friend gazed at me through FaceTime, a kind smile on her face. “I just want to let you know that I just counted you saying the word ‘stupid’ six times when talking about yourself.”
A woman is feeling anxious while looking at her phone

Why I Unplugged from Social Media

When I first signed up on Facebook, I was an 11-year-old who was just trying to fit in. Over time, I began to feel the need to keep up with whatever’s trending on social media, because I was afraid I'd lose my friends if I didn't.