
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Opinions. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Opinions.

We Need to Talk About Cancel Culture

So-called “cancel culture” has been growing among millennials and Gen-Z, especially on social media—and it’s a trend that worries me. Here’s why: Rather than engage in dialogue about differences of opinion, cancel culture cuts all relationship and bans any further communication.

3 Reasons Why Christianity Is Really Good

If I’m honest, the truth of Christianity has never been enough to get me excited about following Jesus. I can read a book that offers proof of the existence of God and still feel lost as to how that impacts my life today.

3 Ways to Share Jesus in a Post-COVID World

Being in lockdown means there’s never been a more difficult time to tell our friends about Jesus. We can’t talk to each other face to face, unless it’s to get a haircut! But there’s also never been an easier time to tell our friends about Jesus. Whatever was once working for them is no longer working. They are hungry for answers.

Singleness in the Church: 3 Ways We Can Do Better

Let’s name something that probably doesn’t get mentioned enough: The church as we know it today custom tailors a lot of its activity to the family. From ministry programs to sermon applications, even to the term “family-friendly,” our churches operate with families in mind as their primary audience.

Isn’t It Arrogant to Claim that Christianity Is the Only Way to God?

I have often found myself struggling with the pressure from church and Christian friends to “make” people Christians. I don’t actually find it that easy to share my beliefs with non-Christians. And the stress of doing so can start to make these people “projects” in my mind, rather than friends. How then can we share Christ with them in a gentle and respectful manner? If you’ve felt the same way that I do, here are some pointers that may help.

What I Got Wrong about the 10 Commandments

The 10 commandments give us a glimpse of how God wants us to live, and while our first thought might be, “Yeah, I’m going a pretty good job following them,” here’s the hard line: at the end of the day, not one of us can boast to even keeping one of the 10 commandments. Let’s take a closer look . . .

3 Misconceptions About the Trinity: #3 – Does It Matter if I Believe in It?

You may have heard people suggest that believing in the Trinity is not all that important. What really matters is believing in Jesus. Others have a hard time thinking of Jesus as God, and prefer to focus on the Father. And yet others really like the Spirit and give Him more attention than the Father and Son. But these are all mistakes that will hurt the way we live as Christians.

3 Misconceptions About the Trinity: #2 – Is It Logical?

Let’s face it, the Trinity is a weird thing to believe. One plus one plus one equals three, right? The Trinity seems like a logical fallacy—do we really believe that one plus one plus one equals . . . ONE? Well, yes . . . and no.

3 Misconceptions About the Trinity: #1 – Is It in the Bible?

Has anyone ever asked you why Christians believe in the Trinity? If so, what did you say? If not, what would you say? I’ve been asked that question, and let me tell you it is easy to feel stupid quickly. In this three-part series, I will address three common misconceptions about the Trinity and, I hope, show why belief in the Trinity is absolutely essential for every Christian.