
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Opinions. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Opinions.

Minimalist white exit door

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

When you’re experiencing some kind of resistance or setback in your life, this question takes on that tension—to quit or to endure. But you may also be in a place of relative comfort, and still, you could be asking, should I stay, or should I move on to something different?
Tree growing in the middle of a barren desert

Why We Should Stop Being “Resilient”

Millions of people are working excessive hours, which has been normalised to the point that burnout has become commonplace. All of this raises two questions for me: Why are we working so hard that so many of us are burning out? What’s the solution?
Money in a shopping cart

How to Make Money Without Getting Consumed by It

Just about everyone I speak to (myself included) feels that way—that no matter how long we’ve been working, our pay seems never quite enough. “If I could just get paid that little bit more,” we think.
Woman reading bible with highlighters

When a Great, Comforting Verse . . . Actually Meant Something Else

Oft-quoted Bible verses that are personally inspirational, comforting, encouraging to us. But do they actually mean what they seem to say?
An email interface

How to Rely on God in the Workplace

You don’t have to be in the workplace for too long before challenges come your way. A difficult colleague, a demanding boss, an overwhelming workload. Hardships steer us to rely on God, and to ask, “What can God do?” instead of “What can I do?”.
Woman covering ears

How to Quiet the Voices in Our Heads

“I should get up and do my laundry.” “I should get my steps above 6,000.” “I should unsubscribe from that streaming platform I am no longer using.”  “I should go to bed earlier. I should wake up earlier.” These are just some of the milder “shoulds” that pass through my head on any given day.
A woman is holding a bible but looking bored

It’s Time to Take the Guilt Out of Your Bible Reading

You start off the new year with a plan to follow–to finish the whole Bible in one year. But by the time the third week of January rolls around, you’re three days behind, equivalent to 12 to 15 chapters to catch up on. The doubt about actually doing this creeps in. The guilt of not doing what you said you’d do piles up. 
Working man trapped in calendar

Stuck in a Job You Don’t Like?

Asking ourselves honest questions can help us understand and address our dissatisfaction in a God-honouring, God-pleasing way.
Man relaxing inside a house with headphones on, with large hand knocking on the door

Why Bother with God?

I was once what you might call an apatheist. Where atheists are committed to denying God’s existence, apatheists are happy to keep the God question at arm’s length.