Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under FEATURES. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: FEATURES.

Julia Malucelli: Empowering Young Lives with $30,000 and a Story

Julia Malucelli is bringing the age-old story of Queen Esther into the hands of young children around the world, in the hopes that the Jewish woman’s courage will encourage them to see themselves as God intended them to be: called with a purpose. 

Loving the Unlovely – How God Taught Me to Love My Abnormal Baby

My eyes were filled with tears as I clutched the ultrasound photo of my baby and read this familiar verse. How could an abnormal child be “fearfully and wonderfully made”? How could our Lord take delight in this supposed creation of His?!

Is There Room for Doubt in Christianity?

Doubting is normal. Uncomfortable as it can be, wondering whether we really have “got it right” is as human as it is inevitable, especially when we’re swimming each day in a sea of different beliefs.

ASK YMI: How Can I Be Happy in Heaven If My Loved Ones Aren’t There?

How can we be happy knowing that our loved ones are suffering? We struggle with guilt and ask ourselves: Have I not been earnest enough in sharing the gospel with them? Is it because I haven’t been praying for them consistently? Could I have been a better testimony at home?

We Need to Talk About Cancel Culture

So-called “cancel culture” has been growing among millennials and Gen-Z, especially on social media—and it’s a trend that worries me. Here’s why: Rather than engage in dialogue about differences of opinion, cancel culture cuts all relationship and bans any further communication.

ASK YMI: Should Christians Rethink the Way We Engage the LGBTQI Community?

A few years ago, I received a phone call from a reporter who was writing a piece for the Atlantic magazine. He wanted to interview me about the Christian view of gay marriage. The reporter was well informed about Christian theology, and probably expected a certain kind of response from me.  Christians often come across as judgmental on such issues, so I wanted to be clear about the most important truth right upfront. What I said surprised him.

3 Reasons Why Christianity Is Really Good

If I’m honest, the truth of Christianity has never been enough to get me excited about following Jesus. I can read a book that offers proof of the existence of God and still feel lost as to how that impacts my life today.

Mya Ji: The 5-Year-Old Who Raised $8,500 for COVID-Hit Migrant Workers

When she saw the number of COVID-19 cases spike among low-wage migrant workers in Singapore earlier this year, Mya Ji sprung to action. The five-year-old emptied her piggy bank, hoping to buy these “uncles”— as Mya fondly addresses them—some good meals and bring some cheer. Thus sprouted the idea of a plant sale in April 2020.

3 Ways to Share Jesus in a Post-COVID World

Being in lockdown means there’s never been a more difficult time to tell our friends about Jesus. We can’t talk to each other face to face, unless it’s to get a haircut! But there’s also never been an easier time to tell our friends about Jesus. Whatever was once working for them is no longer working. They are hungry for answers.