Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under FEATURES. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: FEATURES.

Is Love All You Really Need?

This world makes much of “love.” It’s in movies, books, art, and music—it’s basically everywhere. We’re bombarded constantly with the notion of love—falling in love and being in love—that it seems impossible for us to escape the idea that love is all you need.

Why Love isn’t a Good Feeling

I’ll ’fess up. I plain didn’t like Terence (can’t tell you his real name, of course). I didn’t like the way he walked or talked. I couldn’t stand the way he moved around with a swagger, swinging his arms confidently and looking left and right as if he ran the whole church.

Editor’s Picks: Top 3 Articles | Relationships

Let’s just get it out there: Relationships are as important to us as the air that we breathe. Some of the most intense emotions we experience as human beings are tied to our relationship experiences.

Meet Jordan Wei : The Pop Star Pianist

Title: Meet Jordan Wei : The Pop Star Pianist Description: Imagine…

Editor’s Picks: Top 3 Articles | Identity

Welcome to this brand-new section on Editor's Picks. Throughout the course of the year, we've received some extremely helpful and well-written pieces that we think will be a pity to not share with you again

Why Christmas Doesn’t Make Sense

No, seriously. Nothing much about Christmas makes sense, when you think about it. Here’s why:

What if there was no Christ in Christmas?

There was once a farmer who thought that the idea of God becoming a baby was absurd. His wife, however, was the opposite. She was a Christian and put her faith in the baby who was born that first Christmas.

Artist Galih Suseno: Why Am I Painting

Meet Galih, a gifted artist who makes it his goal to create purposeful works. We've been deeply encouraged by his passion and talent, and we trust you will be too. Watch this video and get to know him better!

Pam, Wex and Rachel: Planning Picnics for Complete Strangers

Imagine sitting cross-legged at a picnic beside a tranquil lake. The setting sun casts a warm hue of orange and pink in the sky. In front of you is a smorgasbord of home-cooked food: freshly baked bread with home-churned butter, garden salad that literally came from a garden, and melt-in-your-mouth beef braised in red wine.