
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Opinions. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Opinions.


How do we know for sure that Christianity is the Truth?

I recently attended a religious ceremony at a Siamese Buddhist temple as part of an official visit by my MP. Several Muslims and Christians were also at the ceremony, as they had been invited after having helped the temple to solve some issues.

Are You a Believer?

Are you a believer? You may be surprised to hear this, but all of us are—regardless of our religious inclination. We live by faith everyday—faith that our alarm clock will wake us up on time and faith that we will live to face tomorrow.

How My Quest For Knowledge Led to Faith

Since young, I’ve always been curious about life—every facet of it. My sister and I used to walk around the house with big, fat dictionaries in our hands, pretending that we were very smart people. So why do I love knowledge?

Sharing Your Faith: What Not to Do

Christianity is contagious and yet, in this world of easy communication and hundreds of different beliefs, sharing the gospel with family, friends, dentists, garbage collectors, colleagues, enemies, taxi drivers, teammates or others can often go awry pretty quickly—without us even knowing why.

I Can’t Stop Sinning: What Should I Do?

I’ve just joined a squash club and I’m starting to think it was a mistake. For one, the membership, courts, new shoes, racquet, and balls are expensive. Secondly, every game reduces me to a sweaty mess—surely it must be unhealthy to sweat that much in one 40-minute window.

How I Came to Understand My Parents

Written By Lim Chien Chong Chien Chong joined Singapore Youth…

What Do We Do When There Seems To Be No Hope?

Written by Tay Boon Jin Boon Jin has been a staff with Singapore…

When Nothing Makes Sense

Written By Leslie Koh After spending a number of years in the…

“Everyone has the right to love and be loved.” [Part 2]

What is the biblical way to look at human relationships? Listen…