ODJ: Sarcasm and Sincerity

Sarcasm can cause us to laugh. But it can also become a shield. Why open ourselves to rejection when we can make sure that no one ever knows the real us? Ironically, such insincerity actually leaves us more vulnerable. Some historians believe that the term sincerity comes from the Latin compound, sine—which means “without”, and cera—which

ODB: Marking Time

The military command, “Mark Time, March” means to march in place without moving forward.  It is an active pause in forward motion while remaining mentally prepared and expectantly waiting the next command.In everyday language, the term marking time has come to mean “motion without progress, not getting anywhere, not doing anything important while you wait.” It

ODJ: Empty Spaces

I’m convinced that the Holy Spirit is attracted to empty spaces. Let me explain... We see Him first, in the book of Genesis, hovering over the formless, empty world (Genesis 1:2). He filled the empty tabernacle with His presence (Exodus 40:34-35; 2 Chronicles 5:11-14). He filled Jesus, who emptied Himself of privilege (Matthew 3:13-16; Philippians 2:5-8). He filled the disciples at Pentecost

ODB: Misplaced Trust

I like watching birds, an activity I developed while growing up in a forest village in Ghana where there were many different species of birds. In the city suburb where I now live, I recently observed the behavior of some crows that interested me. Flying toward a tree that had shed most of its leaves, the crows decided to take a rest. But instead of settling on the sturdy branches, they lighted on

ODJ: Showing the Way

A terrible storm with subsequent avalanches ravaged the Annapurna region of Nepal. The area is a popular one for hikers from around the world, and many were caught out on the mountains, leading to their deaths from the cold or the avalanches. Astonishingly, rescue attempts were hampered as crews were forced to assist new hikers to the area—those who still wanted to challenge the mountains de

ODB: An Open Hand

In 1891, Biddy Mason was laid to rest in an unmarked grave in Los Angeles. That wasn’t unusual for a woman born into slavery, but it was remarkable for someone as accomplished as Biddy. After winning her freedom in a court battle in 1856, she combined her nursing skills with wise business decisions to make a small fortune. As she observed the plight of immigrants and prisoners, she reached o

ODJ: New Address?

Move to a new home, or stay at the old address? This question filled my mind for several days as my husband and I discussed the possibilities. A handful of problems were obvious when we toured a prospective home. For instance, a pipe in the basement jutted up from the floor into the middle of a room. And there was an odd odour in the cellar. Still, there were new cupboards and beautiful w

ODB: The Gift and the Giver

It’s only a keychain. Five little blocks held together by a shoelace. My daughter gave it to me years ago when she was seven. Today the lace is frayed and the blocks are chipped, but they spell a message that never grows old: “I ♥ DAD.”The most precious gifts are determined not by what went into them, but by who they are from. Ask any parent who ever rece

ODJ: Real Stewardship

Rick Vuyst hosts a local call-in radio gardening show in my hometown. Vuyst, who identifies himself an “entre-manure”, weekly “soils” the airwaves with gardening advice. But don’t let his “cracked pot” puns fool you. If you’re having problems with your lawn or plants, this master gardener can help, often telling listeners who have called in, “T