Featured Devotionals

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ODJ: prepare the way

In 2004 a massive tsunami created by a 9.3 magnitude earthquake in Indonesia destroyed entire towns and villages. Hundreds of thousands lost their lives simply because they didn’t know the wave was coming. Many countries have now put tsunami warning systems in place, allowing citizens to be alerted so they can move to higher ground.

John the Baptist warned people as he “[prepared] t

ODJ: tale of two sons

A mother asks her two sons to clean their room. The first yells, “Don’t be such a nag, Mum!” and locks himself in his room. Later he feels bad and decides to clean his room. The second says, “Yeah, Mum, anything for you,” but continues to play his video games. 

A boss tells two employees to submit their report before they clock off from work. One replies, “That’s impossib

ODJ: all you need is love

While sifting through old files on a hard drive recently, I found a 10 minute string of old voicemail messages from Wyatt and Seth when they were 3 and 4 years old. My sons would call me while I was at work or away on a trip. “Daddy, I love you,” a tinny, young voice crackled. “When you get home, can we go for a bike ride?” My favourite was the message when Wyatt simply repeated, in stacca

ODJ: disappointments

Ian Usher was so disappointed with his life that he decided to auction it on eBay. He wanted to rid himself of all the memories he shared with his ex-wife. The Australian said, “On the day [all my possessions] are sold, I intend to walk out of my front door with my wallet in one pocket and my passport in the other and nothing else at all.” His plans included a short visit to his mother before

ODJ: unfold His Word

How many times have you, like I, delved into sin—be it addiction, sexual impropriety, gossip, pride, unbridled anger, slothfulness—in attempts to mask the pain of life? It’s all too easy to respond to the emptiness, disappointment or hurt that we’re experiencing by turning away from God’s commands instead of to them.

Sin, however, never leads to the peace or

ODJ: right with God

Theologians are debating what the apostle Paul meant when he said that “we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law” (Romans 3:28). Traditional Protestants follow Martin Luther’s insight that sinners like us can’t do enough good works to satisfy a holy God. We become right with God by putting our faith in Jesus. When we trust Christ, God our Father performs what Lut

ODJ: art of removal

Recently my son had to have three wisdom teethremoved. The teeth needed to be extracted because of potential detrimental effects on the rest of the teeth. If the three offenders hadn’t been removed (God gave him just three wisdom teeth, not the normal four!), the repercussions could have included pain, infections and an altered bite.

During the time of the kings in ancient Canaan, som

ODJ: privilege of love

Three nights ago my husband and I closed a chapter in our life. Youth ministry has been my niche for as long as we’ve been married (nearly 18 years) and even longer for my husband. As we prepare to lead a church plant, this autumn has been a long series of goodbyes—our last youth retreat, Christmas banquet, youth service. This past Monday evening was our final, and most difficult, goodbye.

ODJ: the gift of time

As a nurse, Geri knew that at any moment she might be called on to help in a medical emergency. But she never really expected it. One day, as her family were on holiday in a northern resort town, a man near her suddenly crumpled to the ground. Geri’s training kicked in. Her quick actions kept him alive.

Later the man wanted to give her a tangible expression of his deep appreciation.