Featured Devotionals

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ODJ: asking for wisdom

The value of gold and silver has soared over the past few years. These precious metals have historically been celebrated as extremely valuable. But long ago, young King Solomon wrote, “Joyful is the person who finds wisdom . . . For wisdom is more profitable than silver and her wages are better than gold” (Proverbs 3:13-14).

In the early days of his reign, Solomon

ODJ: forgive the shark

Lucy Magnum was bodyboarding in the ocean when a shark sank its teeth into her leg. Her parents acted quickly to save her leg by applying pressure to it until paramedics arrived. Later, Lucy understandably said, “I hate sharks”. Her parents gently replied that the shark had simply acted instinctively. Lucy then responded with grace: “I don’t care that the shark bit me. I forgive him”. <

ODJ: chariots and computers

I stared at the blank screen on my computer. It wasn’t a white page beckoning me to fill it with words—it was totally dark. I jiggled the mouse. Nothing. I removed the battery and tried to start it with just the power cord plugged in. Still nothing. Finally, the screen blinked to life. Back in business, I thought. Then, the machine blacked out again and I knew a new computer

ODJ: far from home

On the day I graduated from university, my sister was on a trip in the same city with her school class. She wanted to celebrate with me and—fortunately—a chaperone was willing to drive her north to my university. But as they drove away from the hotel, they headed south. Obviously neither of them had a strong inner compass. For it was quite a while later—after they entered a scenic a

ODJ: difficult opportunities

I was driving to my friend’s memorial service when rows of cars began braking in front of me. I turned on the radio and learned that traffic was backed up because of an accident miles ahead. I lurched and stopped for 10 minutes . . . then 20. Now I was late. I thought about turning around and going home. But then it occurred to me that sticking it out would be the best way to show that

ODJ: trust in a suspicious world

My bottle of water tastes good, but how can I trust the claim that it was sourced from a mountain spring? It’s reported that nearly 40 percent of bottled water is ordinary tap water. Also, many in the UK and Europe are wary that their beef may well contain some horse meat. Tests on meat labelled “beef” have exposed widespread fraud in the food industry as horse DNA has been identified. Sto

ODJ: no filter

Recently someone close to me was made anxious and sad by the words of a friend. The individual shared some difficult past experiences in an awkward attempt at ‘helping’ my loved one gain insight into a hardship she was facing. But, unfortunately, the friend lacked a filter! More was shared than should have been shared and it caused my family member to experience fear and distress.

ODJ: happy new year!

Happy New Year!” “Have a joyous New Year!” We will hear a lot of these greetings today. And you’ll find yourself saying them to others too. Undoubtedly we hope that 2014 will be a blessed and joyous year for us. The psalmist articulated his desire for happy days ahead with this confident affirmation: “Joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LOR

ODJ: mr. right

In an online forum, one woman wrote: “I’m single, over 30 and under pressure from parents, friends and just about everyone around me to get married. Haven’t met the right guy, but still praying to. I’m really looking for ways to cope with this and would really appreciate sound advice.”

Would you advise her to consider nonbelievers in Jesus?
Someone said, “When you h